Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan
Referendum Results
The referendum on the Kingsmead Neighbourhood Area Plan was held on the 4th May 2023.
The Neighbourhood Plan has been voted on and approved by the residents of the Neighbourhood Area. With a turnout of 32.53%, there was an overall 'yes' vote of 1,281 (92.96%), votes against 97 (7.04%).
The Neighbourhood Plan will be adopted by East Herts District Council and, when planning decisions are made on land or buildings within Hertford Kingsmead Ward, the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan will carry equal weight to those in the District Plan.
All documents can be viewed on the East Herts Council Website

In preparing the plan, the Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group consulted widely with the community, local groups and other consultees, following statutory guidelines and was supported by Hertford Town Council.
The Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Survey concluded in November 2020.
21% of the residents in Kingsmead replied to survey and the KNP Group thank all for their time and comments.

The Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan Forum is an opportunity to put forward your views on the area and how it can be improved.