Committee Membership
Full Town Council
The Council appoints Committees, Sub-Committees, Working Parties and Forums at the Annual Town Meeting.
The Council approves the budget estimates proposed by the Committees and approves the Precept proposed by the Finance, Administration & Policy Committee. The Committees do not have the power to incur expenditure beyond that approved in the budget estimates without the sanction of the Council.
Town Council members for 2023/2027:
Councillor Brittain; Councillor Brix; Councillor Carter; Councillor Connolly; Councillor Crystall; Councillor Daar; Councillor Glover-Ward; Councillor Hopewell; Councillor Levermore; Councillor Nickson; Councillor Redfern; Councillor Smith; Councillor Watson; Councillor Woodward
Environment & Community Services Committee
The Committee has the duty and delegated power to manage all business and budgets relating to: Environment & Sustainability, the Cemetery & closed churchyards, allotments, footpath matters and all matters and amenities relating to the community not covered by any other committee.
Committee members for the year 2024-2025:
Cllr Brix, Cllr Carter, Cllr Crystall, Cllr Hopewell, Cllr Glover-Ward, Cllr Levermore, Cllr Redfern, Cllr Smith, Cllr Woodward.
Cllr Brittain, Cllr Connolly, Cllr Daar, Cllr Nickson, Cllr Watson.
Finance, Policy and Administration Committee
The Committee has the duty and delegated power to manage all business and budgets relating to: personnel and staff matters, budgets, precept for recommendation to Council, premises management, general finance & administration and civic policy.
Committee members for the year 2024-2025:
Cllr Brittain, Cllr Carter, Cllr Crystall, Cllr Daar, Cllr Redfern, Cllr Hopewell, Cllr Nickson, Cllr Smith, Cllr Watson.
Cllr Brix, Cllr Connolly, Cllr Woodward
Development & Leisure Committee
The Committee has the duty and delegated power to manage all business and budgets relating to: planning & transport, publicity & tourism, development of town projects and all matters and amenities relating to development & planning.
Committee members for the year 2024-2025:
Cllr Brix, Cllr Carter, Cllr Connolly, Cllr Daar, Cllr Glover-Ward, Cllr Levermore, Cllr Redfern, Cllr Smith, Cllr Woodward.
Cllr Brittain, Cllr Crystall, Cllr Hopewell, Cllr Watson.
Planning Sub-committee
The Sub-Committee has the duty to consider all planning applications relating to the area within the parish boundary of Hertford. After consideration of the applications the comments of the Sub-Committee are passed on to the East Herts District Council planning department for review.
Committee members for the year 2024-2025:
Cllr Brix, Cllr Carter, Cllr Connolly, Cllr Crystall, Cllr Daar, Cllr Levermore, Cllr Redfern.
Cllr Brittain, Cllr Hopewell, Cllr Nickson, Cllr Smith, Cllr Watson, Cllr Woodward.
Personnel Sub-committee (Standing Sub Ctte Of Fpa)
To consider and determine all matters relating to Personnel as delegated by Finance, Policy and Administration Committee.
Committee members for the year 2024-2025:
Cllr Brittain, Cllr Connolly, Cllr Daar, Cllr V Glover-Ward, Cllr Nickson, Cllr Smith, Cllr Woodward.
Cllr Brix, Cllr Carter, Cllr Crystall, Cllr Hopewell, Cllr Redfern.
Grants Sub Committee
The Sub-Committee considers the grant applications for the Hertford Town Council Community Fund.
Committee members for the year 2024-2025:
Cllr Brittain, Cllr Daar, Cllr Levermore, Cllr Smith, Cllr Watson.
Cllr Crystall, Cllr Hopewell, Cllr Nickson.
Environmental Sustainability Working Party
To provide oversight on the progress of the Environmental Sustainability Action Plan (originally the Eco Audit) and the development of the work for the Council's Environment Sustainability Strategy.
Committee members for the year 2024-2025:
Cllr Carter, Cllr Glover-Ward, Cllr Hopewell, Cllr Nickson, Cllr Watson, Cllr Woodward.